Up at 2am and departed for Sydney at 6am, left Sydney for Vancouver at 1030am on 22nd and arrived 0730 on 22nd. The flight was full and we didn’t even get seats together. We got no sleep at all and for the first time in my life I watched 5 movies in a row! Very happy to get off the plane.
Thankfully we got into our hotel room as soon as we arrived at 0830 and we were asleep by 0930. Up at 1.00 and walked around town, stopped for an early dinner and then home to bed by 7.30. Didn’t wake up until 8 this morning.
Alan’s birthday ended up being 41 hours long.
After a full breakfast we tracked down the ‘big bus’ which you can hop on and off whenever you like. Being a beautiful crisp and sunny day (just like a Canberra late September day of 15 degrees) we decided our first stop would be Stanley Park where Alan tried to convinced me to do a bike ride. Not on your life says I! Finally compromised on a Tandem bike. So off we went on 10km ride around the park. Thought I was going to die! My tail bone will never be the same again and my butt is so sore I probably won’t be able to sit for a month and my legs are all aquiver – shut up Anto I know it was only a baby of a ride compared to yours but I’m not made for bikes. Alan of course felt no pain even though he had to do more work than me.
Followed the bike ride with a walk thru the park. Saw a raccoon on the rocks at the waters edge and squirrels in the forest. Lots of great walking trails. They are having a very late spring this year and the blossoms are just coming out as are the daffodils and tulips. It’s a beautiful park but another 2 weeks would have the gardens in full bloom which would be spectacular.
Returned to the bus for more sightseeing and to give the feet and legs a rest. Hopped off in Gastown which is a converted waterfront area which is trendy and touristy. Eventually my feet would carry me no more so we hopped on the bus home and are now having a little baileys and rest before we do another marathon walk to a Mongolian BBQ restaurant that we spotted from the bus for dinner.
Yeah, Alan just complained that his hips are sore, I’m trying to identify a part of me that’s not sore and he only has one.
First impressions of Vancouver - Modern city with a backdrop of snow covered mountains, clean fresh crisp air, sun shining. People quite laid back and friendly. Service in restaurants, hotels and shops is exceptional. Thoroughly enjoyed our first couple of days.
Nic, have discovered cafe mocha here - its hot coffee with real belgian chocolate in it with whipped cream - there goes all the walking today (already had 2)
Had our mongolian BBQ - it was very confused, with spring rolls, miso soup and other non mongoligan things, but cheap. Then went to a magic show on the sidewalk - very good, couldn't see how he was doing it thoroughly deserved the $5 we generously gave him.